Do you ever just want to stay in bed instead of going to work? For professional sleepers that is there job! Professional sleepers are people who test beds and help researches do studies.
Professional sleepers test beds. When a company comes out with a new type of bed or use different materials they usually call in a professional sleeper to test it out. A professional sleeper lays day on the bed and takes a nap. When the wake up they let the manufacturers know if the bed was comfortable or not, to sleep on. They also let the manufasturers know if they felt any pain (back, neck, shoulders) when they woke up.
Professional sleepers also help researchers do studies on sleeping and dreams. Students from college often do studies on the brain when it's asleep and studies on dreams. A professional sleeper will have a bunch of cords,wires, and research equipment put on them while they are sleeping. The students will watch the brains activity and take notes on it.
I think this would be a fun profession! I never get enough sleep but if I had this job I am sure that I would never be tired.
I agree. I would love this job.